CESSNA - AVIC Aircraft (Shijiazhuang) Co., Ltd. Is a newly established joint venture company located in Hebei Province. The company is a partnership between U.S. based Cessna Aircraft Company China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co Ltd (CAIGA). The JV began formal operations in September 2013 will produce Cessna Caravan Model 208B-EX turbo-prop aircraft for delivery to Chinese customers. Activity will include final assembly, operational flight test, painting delivery. 2014 will also s ee establishment of a CCAR Part 145 Repair Station to provide service modification support to our customers.
石家莊中航賽斯納飛機有限公司是一家位于河北省新成立的合資公司,由中航通飛華北飛機有限公司和美國賽斯納飛機公司共同出資,于2013年9月正式運營,公司將生產凱旋208B-EX渦輪螺旋槳飛機并交付中國客戶。公司經營活動包括飛機總裝、飛行測試、噴涂、交付。并即將于2014年建立起一個CCAR 145部的維修站,能夠給客戶提供勤務、改裝的支持。
Cessna is the largest general aviation aircraft manufacturer in the world, producing a wide range of aircraft from advance business jets to single engine propeller aircraft. For full information visit cessna. CAIGA is a subsidiary of AVIC, the largest Aerospace Company in China. AVIC operations include manufacturing, delivery operation of aircraft components for both military civilian aircraft.
We are interested in attracting hiring personnel with aircraft experience excellent communication skills who are excited about aviation are looking for a long-term career building delivering word-class aviation products services to a rapidly growing Chinese aviation market.