我司專門從事高品質食品生產和出口貿易,公司管理人員從事食品生產和出口業務二十多年,具有豐富的經驗和專業知識。<br><br>公司的宗旨是為廣大消費者生產和提供健康,安全,衛生,高品質的綠色食品。我們堅持為客戶提供惠的價格,以不斷的技術更新和效率提高降低成本。我們期待以低廉的價格為全世界的消費者帶來優質食品。<br><br>同時我們為廣大客戶提供專業的國際貿易服務,目前我們的食品已經出口到20多個國家和地區。產品質量和良好服務受到廣大客戶好評。<br> <br>我們的主打產品:冷凍蔬菜;冷凍水果;冷凍食用菌;冷凍水產;罐頭食品;有機食品;AD/FD食品,其他相關產品<br> <br>歡迎有實力, 講信用的工廠(通過HACCP, ISO, BRC, AIB, IFS, 等認證)和我們聯系。期望與業界同行攜手并進,共創成功與美好未來!<br>About Us <br><br>XIAMEN SINOCHARM CO.,LTD located at Xiamen, Fujian Province, is the leading international company in producing the high quality foods and the export business in China. We have been in food industry for over 20 years. Benefited from the rich experience and specialized knowledge, we receive an excellent reputation for providing the high quality food and the good service in business. <br><br>The missions of our company are to provide customers and consumers the widest choice of healthy, tasting foods with the highest quality, highly competitive price and outstanding services.. By using the most advanced technology in our food production, we can guarantee you the best food products with a low price; Moreover, our professional international trade team have sufficient experience and could offer you best service at all time. Our high quality products and outstanding service have been acclaimed by customers in over 20 countries and every continent we exports to. We expect to create win-win partnering relationships of trust, integrity, loyalty and satisfaction with clients.<br><br>Our main products:Frozen vegetables,Frozen fruits,Frozen mushrooms ,Frozen seafoods ,Canned vegetables and fruits,Organic vegetables and fruits,AD / FD vegetables and fruits ,Other related products.<br> <br><br><br>