普思于1956年成立,總部位于美國加利福尼亞州的圣地亞哥。普思承擔Technitrol集團的電子部分,Technitrol是在紐約證券交易所上市的公司,登記名稱為“TNL”。 普思公司做為**在電子元件,分組合件和制造方面的領導者,擁有大量以磁性元件為標準的產品, 主要應用在電腦,網絡通信,能量轉化,國防,航空,汽車,分離機,濾波器,家用網絡, 無線裝置的天線, 汽車系統和安全設備上.
Pulse founded in 1956 and headquartered in San Diego, California. Pulse represents the electrical segment of Technitrol. Technitrol is publicly owned and listed on the NYSE under “TNL”. Pulse, a worldwide leader in electronic component and subassembly design and manufacturing, has a wide array of products from its classic magnetic business that covers power and signal products used in computing, networking and communications, power conversion, defense, aerospace, automotive, splitters, and filters, for xDSL, home networking, antennas for wireless electronic devices, automobile systems and security equipment.