上虞市錦升塑業有限公司坐落在風景秀麗的浙江省上虞杭州灣瀝海工業園區(新建嘉紹跨江大橋南橋頭堡),是專業設計、制造(中高級化妝品、美容、護膚用品等)各種塑料包裝容器的企業。公司擁有的標準廠房,良好的廠容廠貌和一批高素質的管理人員和技術人員,先進的生產設備,己形成一套品質全面保證的生產體系,并可根據客戶的要求完成產品的設計、開發、模具制造、注塑成型,同時能提供塑料包裝瓶的全自動絲印、燙金,超聲波焊接,真空鍍膜、UV涂裝、磨砂表面處理等各種特殊工藝制作。“永創新高”將永遠鞭策我們向更高領域努力。愿為各界人士精誠合作,攜手邁向輝煌的21世紀!Located in Shangyu City.Zhejiang Province,.Jinsheng Plastic Industry Co.,Ltd ,specialized in customizing and manufacturing kinds of cosmetic packagings,such as Airless Bottle,Lotion Bottle.Acrylic Jar,Lotion Pump,Mist Sprayer. We have the first-class standard workshop, a group of able administrative personnel and the technical personnel, the advanced production equipment, forms a set of quality-comprehensive which guarantees the production system,Completes the products according to the customer request, simultaneously provides various artwork treatments,such as Silk Printing, Hot Stamping,The Vacuum Coating, UV Coating, The Frosting.“Create,forever.” will urge on us to a higher field forever. Jinsheng expects to cooperate with you to jointly create a bright future.