沈陽楓茂職業咨詢有限公司是總部位于加拿大多倫多的移民就業顧問公司于2010年在中國注冊成立的唯一分支機構。加拿大移民就業顧問總公司五年來主要為移民客戶提供高附加值、的移民、擇業、就業咨詢服務。公司為客戶服務的信念是 "拼搏不是目的,拼搏是為了出國;出國不是目的,出國是為了移民;移民不是目的,移民是為了融入主流;融入主流不是目的,融入主流是為了安居樂業。"
Shenyang Fengmao Career Counselling Co., Ltd., registered in 2010 in China, is the only Chinese branch office of an immigration and employment consulting company headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Our Canadian parent company has provided comprehensive high-value-added advisory services primarily to high-end clients for their immigration, career planning and employment aspirations. Our company's understanding of our clients' goals is "working hard is for going aboard, going aboard is for getting PR, getting PR is for becoming a member of the mainstream society, becoming a member of the mainstream society is for living a prosperous and happy life."
面對**經濟危機、移民政策收緊的現實,國內很多移民中介紛紛倒閉,不少瀕臨停業出局的公司明知為客戶辦不成移民,也**不靠賺取客戶手續費的"不退還部分" 慘淡經營。我們加拿大總公司充分發揮加拿大本土人脈資源和政策前瞻的優勢,以確保成功率取信于移民客戶。
As a result of the global economic crisis and immigration policy tightening, a lot of immigration agencies in China go out of business. Knowing the diminishing immigration prospect of Chinese applicants, many remaining agencies have to rely on the non-refundable portion of agency fees just to survive. Benefiting from our Canadian parent company's personal connection and policy assessment advantages, we are able to secure high success rates for our high-end clients and maintain our credibility.
Following our Canadian parent company's guiding principles of winning business with service quality and success rate, Shenyang Fengmao Career Counselling Co., Ltd. relies on the powerful support from Canada to truly help high-end clients in China achieve their goals of going aboard, getting PR, becoming a member of the mainstream society, living a prosperous and happy life in Canada. We are looking for astute and competent members of staff from China's immigration consulting agency sector (intended departing staff members from other companies are welcome).