沈陽金都鋁業裝飾工程有限公司成立于1998年,是中國國家建設部授予的建筑幕墻工程專業承包壹級、建筑幕墻工程設計專項甲級、 金屬門窗工程專業承包壹級生產施工定點企業。公司還擁有鋼結構工程專業承包貳級、機電設備安裝工程專業承包貳級和建筑裝修裝飾工程專業承包貳級資質,是國內享有盛譽的集建筑室內、外裝飾系統的研發、設計、生產、安裝、售后服務與一體的專業化、產業化公司,是首批獲得國家頒發的鋁合金門窗和幕墻安全生產許可證的企業,是德國旭格集團的**戰略合作伙伴。
ShenYang jindu Aluminum Industry Engineering Co., Ltd was founded in 1998;it is the enterprise which is granted the title of “curtain wall project Specialized Contracting Grade one ”,“Curtain Wall Project Specialized Design Class A”and “Metal Doors and Windows Project Specialized Contracting Grade one ”production and construction designated enterprise by the Ministry of Construction of China.The enterprise also has qualification in Steel Structure Engineering Specialized Contracting Grade two ,Mechanical-Electrical Equipment Installation Engineering Specialized Contracting Grade Two and Building Decoration Engineering Specialized Contracting Grade Two .It is a professional& industrialized company with high reputation in china concentrating on the research & development,designing,production,installation and after-sales service of building indoor and outdoor decoration system .It is one of the first enterprises which are awarded the work safety license for al-alloy door &window and curtain wall by the country.It is the global strategic partner of SCHüCO International KG,Germany
The company’s production base locates in Cchina equipment manufacturing industry base’s core region—shenyang Economic &Technological Development District,China,adjoining to outer-ring
highway,with Shenyang-Dalian highway to its south and west-Shenyang Industrial Corridor to its north .It has good location ,convenient transportation and graceful surroundings .The company covers an area of 25,000㎡ with 16,000㎡ of workshop .The advantaged technology and talent of equipment manufacturing industry provide powerful guarantee for expanding current product’s production and marketing scale,strengthening research & development strength,and exploring the market.
The company has been committed to the research &development,design and construction of building’s energy saving,environmental protection,low carbon and productivity.And the solar photovoltaic curtain wall,high-grade al-alloy doors and windows,energy-saving curtain wall,etc. produced by the company have a wide range of independent intellectual property rights.
The company strictly follows the operation principle “service-oriented,sincerity persisted”,pursuing professional&dedicated spirit,persisting in the good faith attitude of integrated service ,providing the customers with solution for top-quality one-stop building decoration system by relying on optimized management structure,abundant capital strength,normalized corporate operation ,socialized brand image,to become the leading enterprise in domestic industry.