I CARE 時尚婚禮策劃機構
I CARE是一家專注于婚禮與大型活動策劃執行的專業機構。I CARE將國際婚禮管家模式引入沈陽,將策劃、執行與服務進行的結合。I CARE的每場婚禮都會因您而不同,每位來賓都將感受到五星級的管家服務,每個會場都張顯新人的個性與品味。I CARE決不做量產式的婚禮,因此每個婚禮日我們只接受兩對新人的委托。我們將保證您享受到專業、貼心、周到、細致的服務。
I CARE is a professional institution focusing on wedding and activity planning. I CARE introduces the chamberlain model of international wedding in Shenyang, and combines the planning, implementation and service perfectly. Every wedding of I CARE will be unique because of you, every guest will feel five-star chamberlain service, and the wedding ceremony can show personality and taste. I CARE never does mass production style of the wedding, so every wedding day we provide service only for one couple. We can ensure that you can enjoy the professional, caring, thoughtful and meticulous service.
I CARE人認為婚禮是人生的重大儀式,每個婚禮都應是獨一無二的,為人生留下感動,幸福,浪漫,深刻而且是毫無遺憾的記憶。I CARE人不把婚禮簡單的模式化,而是把每場婚禮都當做藝術品,策劃中反復推敲,布置中精雕細鑿,執行中精益求精。
I CARE believes that wedding is important for everyone and the wedding should be unique, so that it can be the most impressive, the happiest and profound memory. We don’t use a simple model of the wedding, but regard each wedding as a kind of art. We plan it carefully, arranged it delicately, and execute it excellently.
I CARE的每一個團隊都是具有極高的專業技術與敬業精神的團隊。真正做到百分百滿意,零投訴。婚禮管家服務是I CARE的特色服務,從您正式委托我們承辦您的婚禮起。管家部的服務就正式啟動,包括前期的準備工作,如采買、發送電子請柬、婚紗禮服的搭配、造型設計、幫助新人挑選蜜月旅行地點等。事無巨細只要是您需要的,都是我們的服務范圍。我們服務的理念是大限度的為新人節省時間,節約成本。
Each team of I CARE hat highly professional skills and professional ethics and can truly fulfill the goal of satisfaction and zero complaints. I CARE provides chamberlain service. From your official entrustment on, the chamberlain service begins. It includes the preparatory, such as purchase, send electronic invitations, choose wedding dress, plan honeymoon. We can provide any service that you need. The idea of our service is saving time and money for you.
我們歡迎您,帶著您的對婚禮所有的夢想和期待到I CARE坐坐。因此我們沒有簡單的把公司布置得很生硬,而是精心的讓它充滿了家的氣氛。期待與您在溫馨和舒適中,暢談您的婚禮夢想。歡迎您光臨I CARE總部。 預約電話:22598620
You are welcome here with your dream and expectation of your wedding. So we decorate our office full of comfortable homely atmosphere. We are looking forward to chatting with you about your wedding.
You are welcome to I CARE. TEL:22598620