沈陽斯德埃門業有限公司是全面引進加拿大SDI公司的設計技術、質量管理、售后服務體系的新型材料和世界技術的門業公司,同時沈陽斯德埃門業有限公司也是遼寧陸軍預備役高射炮兵**師的編兵單位,中國人民解放軍預備役部隊, 是中國人民解放軍的組成部分,是建設祖國、保衛祖國的一支重要力量。我公司現主要銷售各類工業卷簾門,快速門,堆積門,滑升門等電動工業門,同時我們還有一批經驗豐富的安裝、維修、售后服務工程師,專業維修及保養各類國際知名品牌的工業門(工業卷簾門,快速門,堆積門,滑升門,車庫門等),而且根據不同類型的工業門來選配通用的機械和電器易損配件,以此來保證其正常運行狀態。公司承諾24小時服務,力爭成為工業門領域的維修服務。
Shenyang Service door Industries Co., Ltd is a new materials and the world’s leading technology door company, it introduces a comprehensive design techniques, quality management and after-sales service system from Canada SDI. At the same time, our company is the military unit code of Liaoning Army Reserve Antiaircraft artillery First Division, People's Liberation Army reserve units, is an integral part of the People's Liberation Army, is the construction of the motherland and a major force in defense of the motherland. At present, our company is mainly engaged in various industries shutter doors, high speed doors, stacking doors, sliding doors, and other electric industrial doors. We also have experienced technical engineers in the installation, maintenance and after-sales of the door. We can repair and maintain various international brands industrial doors professionally (Industry shutter doors, high speed doors, stacking doors, sliding doors, garage doors, etc.), and choose common vulnerability of machinery and electrical accessories under different Types of industrial doors to guarantee normal operation status. The company promises 24-hour service, and strive to become experts in maintenance and after-sale service in the industrial door field.