2004年,電腦商報"首屆中國電腦商500強"組委會特別為曉通網絡頒發了"佳網絡產品專業分銷獎",2005年,曉通網絡在互聯網周刊"中國電信供應商百佳榜"榜上有名,2007年,曉通網絡位列《計算機產品與流通》十大分銷商金榜 ,并為《電腦商報》中國電腦商500強之分銷商150強之前10名。至今,曉通網絡歷年都被IT專業媒體列為全國十大分銷商之一。這一系列的榮譽充分見證了曉通網絡作為國內專業化網絡分銷企業的雄厚實力。
2005年 獲思科04財年中國佳分銷總代理獎
2002年 獲中國佳分銷總代理合作伙伴獎
1999年 獲中國分銷總代理99年佳銷售業績獎
1998年 獲大亞洲區(Greater Asia)佳分銷稱號
1997---1999年 連續三年獲得中國區佳分銷商稱號
2004年 財年大會上榮獲特別貢獻獎
1999年 合作伙伴銷售優異獎
Top SME Partner of the Year 97/98, Greater China
1996年 財年亞洲佳分銷商
1996、1997、1999 財年中國佳分銷商
Lucent (Avaya):
Partner of the Year 1998/1999/2001
2000年 在LucentBussinessPartner Conference上授予“$10 Million Club” (千萬美元俱樂部會員獎)
1999年 獲北京海淀區新技術企業及百強表彰
2002年 被國內著名IT渠道雜志SmartPartner評為 “2001年渠道成功公司”
2003年 在《電腦商報》中國電腦商500強評比活動中,名列分銷商100強之前10名
2004年 《電腦商報》“佳網絡產品專業分銷獎”
2005年 《電腦商報》中國電腦商500強之分銷200強
2007年 《計算機產品與流通》十大分銷商金榜
2009年 被《計算機產品與流通》媒體評選為“佳渠道品牌策略營銷創新獎”
Beijing Xiaotong Network Science&Technology Limited Company (Xiaotong Network) was established in 1990. And since 2001, it has been a member company of Zheda Innovation Technology Co.Ltd (Shanghai Stock Code 600797), capital amounted to RMB 200 million.
Xiaotong Network focuses its business on network products distribution and value add services. It is developing into one of the distinguished network company in China. There are 18 branch offices covering its channel in the whole country. Now its yearly business revenue reaches to RMB 2 billion.
As one of the successful network products distribution companies, Xiaotong Network always grasps network main developing stream by co-operating with worldwide famous company such as Cisco, 3Com, CommScope, Pelco,etc. It has had got outstanding achievement and been honored times as"Best Partner" by its provider partners.
Besides the outstanding distribution achievement, it also provides value add service to customers. The value add services include technical support, service outsourcing, parts exchanged and so on. It also offers network training and engineer network authentication training course at the same time.
Due to its distinctively achievement, it was honored as "Best Network Distribution" by "CPW 500 Organization Committee", run by media Computer Partner World in 2004. It was also "100 Best Provider" by media China Network World. Xiaotong is listed one of ten distributors in China inserious yeas till now by IT medias.This line of honors have fully witnessed the Xiaotong Network as the rich strength of distributing enterprises of the domestic professional network marketing.