該是一家意大利企業人力資源代理,于1963年由Angelo Bartesaghi先生創辦,公司設計及生產用于打印和折疊紙巾產品、不干膠標簽和軟包裝的高技術設備和生產線。
該公司總部位于意大利北部Lecco,公司總部占地面積為8000多平米,客戶分布于**70多個國家。歐米特集團旗下還有兩個國外子公司分別位于西班牙巴塞羅那的OMET IBERICA SL以及中國蘇州。
We are HR agent for our distinguished customer, an Italian company, first established in 1963 by Angelo Bartesaghi, is a leading company designing and producing high-technology equipment and lines to print and fold tissue paper products, self adhesive labels and flexible packaging.
The company is located in Lecco, where, today, it has its headquarters with an overall surface of 8.000 sqm. With customers in over 70 countries worldwide, the Group also includes two foreign subsidiary companies in Barcelona, and China (Suzhou).