安達美電子貿易有限公司是美國儀儀元件公司 (eeParts)下屬全資子公司,
儀儀元件公司**總部位于美國高科技中心-德克薩斯州達拉斯市,并在中國的深圳,上海和蘇州設有分公司和銷售部。 儀儀元件作為世界上主要的專業從事電子元器件交易平臺和市場。我們以的軟件交易平臺和的客戶服務,匯集了從多的元件生產廠家、原始設備制造公司、代加工合同制造公司、授權特許分銷商和零售商以及電子貿易公司之間數十萬條供求信息和他們豐富高質的元件庫存。
公司提供彈性的工作時間和彈性的工作收入,力求人盡其才,多勞多得,如果你勤奮好學,善于溝通,樂于溝通,英語口語流利,對電子元器件通路貿易行業了解,能承受繁雜工作的壓力,希望積極通過自己的聰明才智和努力創造人生財富的積累,有比較貼近的行業背景經驗,我們非常歡迎你加入本公司, 為了避免浪費彼此的時間,非誠勿擾,非適勿投,
eeParts Group Corporate Culture
eeParts Group is a “forward thinking” organization with ten years experience in the dynamic business of supply chain services and value recovery from excess and obsolete materials for multinational OEMs. We provide material management, logistics, and global electronic parts sourcing for research & development, new product introduction, and mass production. eeParts group is headquartered at Dallas, TX USA with subsidies and joint-venture partners at Shanghai, Suzhou, Shenzhen, China.
The company employs Western management style and provides individual with growth potential, learning opportunities, and freedom of creativity. The incentive based reward will offer individual with great financial reward. The employ will enjoy all public holiday and paid vacation depending on the number of years with the company. The company will provide all SIP sponsored benefits plan. We are looking for individuals with self-confidence, energetic, attention to details and responsible, excellent English/Chinese communication skills to join the team.
.In order to meet the increasing demand of our services in China, the company is seeking qualified and energetic individuals to join in the team with a working location at Suzhou Industrial Park – International Science Park.