ANKE GROUP INDUSTRIAL LIMTITED,( was called SZ Mobile-Tech IndustryCo., LTD) was established in 1999, with the aim to distribute mobilephone accessories to large retail multiples, the corporate sector,offering one-stop shopping for the most innovative and high qualitycellular phone accessories on the market today. The company is at theforefront of product innovation and design in the cellular accessoriesmarket and is dedicated to offering unparalleled quality and value formoney, a reassuring endorsement in a truly competitive market place.
We also offer the opportunity for corporate customers to have anyaccessory branded, packaged and supplied with their own identityscheme. Our marketing department will support all aspects of customerbranding as well as advise on promotions, point of sale material, pressadvertising, PR and incentive schemes.
Our logistics team ensures order fulfillment and accurate deliveryof all products direct to a central warehouse, individual store orcustomer.