公司專注于核心技術的研發,在先進人機交互系統、精確傳感檢測等領域開發獨特的產品,并為其他集成電路公司及系統公司提供完善的算法及相關IP的解決方案和設計服務業務。工藝節點涉及65nm, 40nm 甚至28nm。
公司現有研發人員全部具有本科學歷,其中90%以上擁有碩士以上學位,絕大多數成員在算法, 軟件以及集成電路領域有多年工作經驗。
Acceso Technologies is a new company focusing on developing electronic devices and systems. We focus on design and develop key technologies and thereby provide competitive products. "Focus on Customers’ needs" is our philosophy. As an independent local company, Acceso Technologies will and is developing exciting electronic products. We are moving forward. The great China market is presenting a broad space for us, for any industrious company with correct direction.