博華無限科技發展(北京)有限公司(Bohua Inc.)是中國專業的的web產品開發及服務提供商之一。公司總部位于北京,在上海、蘇州設有分支機構。是一家擁有自主知識產權的互聯網軟件企業,被北京市科委授予高科技企業稱號。
幾年來,Bohua Inc與松下中國、中國網通、戴爾、德國駐華大使館、日本國駐華大使館、王府井陶瓷城等機構保持著密切的合作關系。并成功策劃服務了國內外數百個各行各業的企業、行業網站。其中的機構和項目有:北京發行集團——(旗下擁有新華書店全國連鎖系統、北京圖書大廈、中關村圖書大廈、中國書店)、中國建筑與室內設計師網——設計師行業人流量的網站、德國印象——德國信息中心中文門戶、清華少兒英語——教育業門戶網站、中國旅游線路網——旅游業門戶網站、新新生活館——電子商城類、世紀葵花——視頻類校園網站、必看必發——中華網商機頻道、廣告類行業網站、北京八大處房地產開發公司——北京市著名房產品牌等。
Bohua Inc長期專注于互聯網應用技術解決方案的研發,以及企事業單位和信息化戰略和科技層面上的理性化研究,自公司建立之初,就高舉科技·智慧的旗幟,以占據中國網站策劃建設的制高點為訴求,主要承擔互聯網建設的中應用服務,為國內外企業、事業單位提供全面、系統、高品質電子政務、電子商務等信息化解決方案。
Bohua Inc is one of the most professional suppliers of Web development and Web service,whose headquarter is in Beijing,with branch offices in Shanghai,Qingdao.Bohua Inc,a internet software company.
Bohua Inc has good cooperation with CNC,Dell,German embassy,Japanese Embassy,51job.Meanwhile,Bohua Inc serves for hundreds of businesses enterprises,trade website at home and abroad including Beijing issued Group which is subordinate enterprises owned by Beijing Municipal CPC Committee and composed of Xinhua Bookstore,Beijing Book bulding,Zhongguancun book building,China bookstore,the website of China Architecture and interior designers which has so many of talents,Germany impression which is the center of German information in Chinese,Tsinghua Children English which is Education Industry Portal,the website of China tourism Line which is Tourism portal,Xin Xin living centre which is about Electronic Mall category,Century sunflower which is about video in campus,the website of bikanbifa which is about commercial opportunities,the website of advertisements,the website of Badachu Beijing Real Estate Development Company which is excellent real estate in Beijing.
Bohua Inc is specialized in finding out the solution to Internet application development technology and studying on information strategy in enterprises and government agencies.From very beginning,based on the banner of technology and wisdom and appeal of occupying the commanding height in China,Bohua Inc mainly supply high end internet application service in the construction of internet.Meanwhile Bohua Inc provide comprehensive,systematic,high-quality information solutions including e-government,e-commerce.