Fedon是一家意大利公司,成立于1919年。Fedon無論在眼鏡行業還是在皮革行業都做到了獨一無二。我們已經在威尼斯,米蘭,巴黎,紐約, 香港,北京成功的開設了分店。我們計劃在中國發展我們的零售網絡。為此,我們希望有志之士加入。
Almost a hundred years have passed since Fedon Group has been established in Italy in Vallesella di Cadore a place full of charme in the heart of the Dolomites Mountains. Nowadays Fedon is a public list company, present in over 30 countries with 7 flagship stores and with showrooms in HK, US, France and Germany.
Giorgio Fedon 1919 is the lifestyle brand of Fedon Group with a full range of leather accessories in which it is easy to select the right gift for any occasion. Product ranged from Bags to Personal Leather Accessories, from Desk Accessories to Smart phone and Tablet Accessories. Modern, unique, from a confident but never exhibited elegance, Giorgio Fedon 1919 has always focused on the need of those who work and travel. Pure lines and a vast range of colors are the distinctive features of the wide world of Giorgio Fedon 1919 that confer personality to daily life of those who like to be distinguished by elegance and design.