Cellphone-Mate, Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells a line of high-quality electronic accessories for the cellphone market. Our current flagship products are the SureCall line Signal Amplifiers, which boost the range and reception of most any call.
Cellphone-Mate, Inc. is a privately-owned corporation founded in 2001 with headquarters in the Silicon Valley of Northern California.
Cellphone-Mate, Inc. now holds mulitple patents pending on the proprietary technology that makes our Signal Amplifiers products superior to any others. Our company continues to develop innovative new products that address the needs of all types of phone users.
深圳市峯邁通訊技術有限公司是位于美國硅谷的CELLPHONE-MATE公司承辦的中國分公司,其主要品牌SURECALL是北美市場通訊網絡覆蓋終端客戶的主打品牌之一;總部成立于2001年,主要致力于對北美通訊信號覆蓋問題的解決,擁有遍布全美的銷售渠道, 投放市場四個大系列包括直放站、各類配套天線與電纜等50多種產品, 有效的提高與改善北美終端客戶中的家庭及企業通訊信號差的問題。目前銷售量節節高增,具良好與穩定的發展前景。