蘇州豐億塑膠有限公司成立于2003年9月,是一家具有豐富經驗的精密模具生產和注塑加工能力的民營企業。主要經營:生產 塑膠制品、模具、五金類制品、五金沖壓件。銷售電線電纜、塑膠原材料,自營和代理各類商品及技術的進出口業務。注冊資金2500萬元,平均職工128人,2012年銷售5030萬元,預計今年銷售5500萬元。產品主要涉及電子儀器系列、醫療器械系列、汽車零部件、IT通訊工具系列和電動工具系列。產品遠銷國內外,公司以獲得ISO9000,TS16949體系認證,在年度企業納稅評比活動中,連續多年獲得三等獎。至今年2013年9月將成為10年老廠。
Located in the eastern part of china,Feng Yi Plastic Co, Ltd was founded in 2003 . Since the very beginning,we have been focusing our efforts on injection tooling and molding.With advanced facilities and an experienced engineering team, we have successfully developed a lot of high precision toolings used for various products,such as automotive and medical parts,power tools, electronic instruments,home appliance and many others. Today,we have estabished supply chainpartnership with mulitinational corporations,such as Honeywell,Tyco,Harman Becker,Tesla,Ficosa,Lifetech,Carestream,Snapon,etc.
With continual technological advancement and innovation as the tenet of our company and maintaining competitiveness through cost redduction and high efficiency,we are dedicated to helping customers solve various tooling and molding problems.