Suzhou Great Garment Co., LTD is a Danish garment company and a part of an international company Oriental Group. Our main business is supplying international costumers with garments produced in China, We sell quality garments in Scandinavia. We have been in China for 15 years and hold long and valuable relations with some of the leading reatailers in Scandinavia.
Oriental Group started up as a small trading company in 1994 sourcing garments from Asia. The purpose was – as it still is today - to supply North European retail customers with affordable quality garments produced with a short lead time.
As the growing of Oriental China Area, Oriental Group decide to investigate a production company “Great Garment Suzhou” and a trading company “Great Garment Trading” in Suzhou and set up a branch production company in Huaibei “Great Garment Huaibei”.
Constant improvements and accumulation of knowledge and experience has been the driver behind this development. Great Garment is today a mix of Danish and Chinese business culture. By benefiting from the best of both worlds Great Garment will strive to become the best company in the business and work tirelessly to keep our costumers competitive on their respective markets.
To meet the challenges of our rapid growth, we are seeking highly self-motivated professionals to join us.
We believe in an informal work environment with good development opportunities for employees that contribute to the success of the company.
Welcome to visit our website: madebyoriental