Gymboree 金寶貝, 1976年成立于美國,是**早教**品牌,27年幼兒潛能開發經驗,分支機構遍布全世界28個國家,700多個教育中心。Gymboree是0~5歲幼兒快樂的雙語天地, 提供育教寓樂的學習課程, 包括音樂、藝術和育樂,我們引導父母和孩子一起快樂成長。
Gymboree2003年正式進入中國, 目前我們已在全國已成立23個教育中心,遍及上海, 北京,蘇州,無錫,大連,杭州,武漢,廣州,成都,哈爾濱,寧波,深圳,溫州,天津,東莞,濟南,西安,重慶。未來3年, 更會不斷地擴大經營規模, 計劃在上海成立約5個教育中心, 5年內計劃在中國成立200個教育中心。 現誠摯邀請您加入我們的精英團隊一展才華, 我們將為您提供環境優雅、設備先進的工作環境,完善的培訓計劃、廣闊的發展空間及優厚的薪資福利待遇。
Gymboree, founded in 1976 in the USA,is the global leader in early childhood development program. Based on its 30 years of research and experiment in the field, Gymboree helped families in 28 countries and regions to learn and enjoy early childhood development through music, art, and play. Everyday, over 300,000 families participate in early childhood development programs offered by Gymboree. More than 700 Gyboree centers covering the Americas Europe, and Asia offer programs which systematically develop a 0-5 year-old child’s potentials, guide young parents to study their child’s growth, and understand the world of infants and children.
Gymboree landed in China last year and so far we have established 23 centers in China. Gymboree China will continue to expand its business in the coming years planning to establish a total of 5 centers in Shanghai and up to 200centers in the whole of China. Sign up to become a part of the Gymboree team today!
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