Suzhou industry park Might machine Co., Ltd lies in Suzhou Industrial Park, the Yangtze Delta, nearby shanghai city.
Occupying 20,000 square meters of manufacturing. We have dedicated years building our reputation on impeccable service and quality at a competitive price under the guidance of ISO 9002.
Suzhou Industry Park Might Machine Co .manufactures a vast array of products for construction industry. Such as plate compactor. Power trowel, tamping rammer, surface finishing screed, concrete cutter, brick saw, scarifying machine and so on.
Our own R&D department can design the products as well as custom fabrication when needed. Most of our products meet and exceed CE standard and have obtained a good reputation in Europe, Africa and America market.
We have registered our own brand “MIGHT” and explored this brand to more than ten courtiers.
From excellence in manufacturing to responsive service, Suzhou Industry Park might machine is driven to provide unequaled value for every customer, every day. Welcome to join us.
蘇州工業(yè)園區(qū)威力機械有限公司位于長江三角洲, 毗鄰上海市.
公司占地面積20000平米, 已通過ISO9002國際標準質量管理體系認證。過硬的質量,合理的價格, 贏得行內一致好評.
公司主要產(chǎn)品有平板夯、抹光機、沖擊夯、抹平機、切割機、大理石切割機、洗刨機等工程機械。公司擁有自己的研究開發(fā)部門, 的裝配設備, 絕大部分產(chǎn)品達到甚至超越了CE標準, 在海內外尤其是歐洲, 非洲, 美洲市場享有勝譽.
公司擁有自己的品牌”威力”, 現(xiàn)已推廣到數(shù)十個國家,本著回報客戶的信念, 蘇州威力機械有限公司致力于為客戶提供質高價優(yōu)的產(chǎn)品, 并熱誠歡迎有志之士加入我們。