SingHealth Medical Clinic was set up by a group of medical professionals from Singapore in 2007, and has been serving the needs of both the local and expatriate communities in Suzhou.
Over the last few years, we have become an integral part of the expatriate healthcare in Suzhou. To better serve the needs of our patients, Gentle Medical Clinic was opened last year.
We are expanding still, and welcome dedicated medical professionals to join our team.
新寧診所自2007年,新寧診所在蘇州工業園區給國內外的客人提供溫馨、國際標準的醫療服務。服務項目包括:全科、兒科、皮膚科、化驗、體檢及疫苗接種。我們也即將增設口腔科。 .
我們衷心感謝這些年患者及家屬給予我們的信任。新寧在湖東增設了分店——寧德診所, 希望能提供我們的客人更多方便、更完善的照顧。我們會繼續努力,呵護您和家人的健康!