我們經過長達7年的產品研發,目前已在超薄、柔性、高性能碳納米管電容式觸摸屏項目研發上取得了突破性進展,計劃于2013年年底實現批量化生產。自主研發的用于電容式觸控屏的碳納米管導電薄膜已達到國際水平,完全擁有在碳納米管合成、導電薄膜制備方面等整套技術路線上的自主知識產權,可為手機模組廠、整機廠商提供高性能低成本電容式觸摸屏解決方案。同時,我們還獲得了“首屆蘇州工業園區納米領軍企業”、“江蘇省科技型中小企業”、“ 江蘇省高層次創新創業人才”等榮譽稱號。
Hanano Materials Co., Ltd, Suzhou was founded in Nov. 2011 and obtained the investment from the investment institutions with the government background. It is a high-tech company specialized in the R & D, large-scale manufacturing and application of carbon nano-materials.
With more than 7 years’ research, Hanano has achieved great breakthrough on the development of SWNTs CTPs. It is planned that ultra-thin, flexible and high-performance SWNTs CTPs will be produced in mass scale at the end of 2013. The self-developed SWNTs TCFs can be applied to CTPs and their properties have reached to the international leading level. Meanwhile, Hanano completely owns the independent IPs on the entire producing process, including but not limited to the mass synthesis of SWNTs, the fabrication of TCFs, etc. Furthermore, Hanano can give the solution on CTP with high performance and low cost to module producers and mobile phone manufacturers. In recent years, Hanano has gotten many honors, such as ‘The First Nano Leadship Enterprise of Suzhou Industrial Park’, ‘Technological SME of Jiangsu Province’, ‘High-level Innovators and Entrepreneurs of Jiangsu Province’ and so on.
As natural resources are drying up day by day, we are eager to develop and promote more environmental friendly and higher performance nanocarbon- based products together with all far-sighted people.