嘉恒涂裝技術工程有限公司創建于1999年,主要經銷世界著名品牌立邦涂料,多樂士涂料,固瑞克噴涂設備,柔然壁紙。公司目前擁有立邦漆專賣店、卡普林諾專賣店和電腦調色中心,紅星美凱龍柔然壁紙專賣店,主要為家居裝飾及工業工程提供油漆涂料和壁紙。公司工程部主要銷售工程涂料和工業漆并承接施工業務,在氟碳漆、地坪漆、機床漆、外墻涂料等施工領域,積累了360 多萬平方米的施工經驗。公司擁有進口地坪研磨機、高空作業吊籃、無氣噴涂等先進施工設備,為客戶提供高品質的涂裝產品和服務。
Jiaheng Coating Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 1999, and mainly engages in paint sales and application. We are not only the engineering distribute of Nippon Paint and ICI Dulux which are the world-renowned brands, but also the distributor of Nippon Paint. We have franchised stores of Nippon, franchised stores of Kapulinnuo and color-mixing centre to provide paint and coatings for home and industrial project. The engineering department of the company mainly provides paint and coatings for architectural and industrial projects as well as the application and process. We have more than 3.6 million square meters application experience in the field of Flu-carbon paint, floor paint, machine paint, outer wall paint, etc. Jiaheng owns advanced equipments such as imported floor grinding machine, aerial crane, airless spray, etc., to provide high-quality paint products and service.
With the business expanding, Suzhou Jiaheng Coating Technology Co., Ltd. was established in June 6, 2008, which provides professional service for manufactures,real estates and municipal works. Main business of Suzhou Jiaheng: 1. Industrial Paint and Technical Service; 2. Construction Paint and Technical Service; 3. Coating Technology Training and Coating Equipment Sales.