蘇州見智獵頭有限公司,是一家從事中高級獵頭服務、人事外包、人才培訓的專業機構。我們服務的行業包括機械, 電子, 自動化, 汽車, 半導體, IT, 快銷, 金融, 物流等。我們的專業經驗及準確的**服務讓我們的顧問團隊成為了客戶的戰略同盟者;對候選人的專業職業咨詢,讓我們建起了龐大的人才庫貯備。我們堅持遵循高度的職業道德,秉承“**、準確,客觀”的作風,為企業提供更為優質的服務。相信自己的選擇,相信我們。
See-wisdom consulting is a professional headhunting company located in Suzhou .See-wisdom offers solutions in executive search, HR operations outsourcing and training for our clients. Our Clients cover several fields Including mechanicals, electronics, automation, automotive, semi-conductor, IT, fast-sale, financial, logistics, etc. Our professional experience and exactly effective service cause our consulting team becoming a strategic partner of our clients, and we set up a large database of top-level and middle-level talents to make our work quick and exact through our professional research.