深圳市科帝特電子有限公司是一家高科技企業。專業從事敏感元件;高精度NTC玻璃MF58型熱敏電阻;小黑頭MF5A型熱敏電阻器;各類溫濕度傳感器的研發、生產和銷售。公司擁有一支高素質高技能的研發隊伍,在溫度應用方面不斷創新新技術、研發新產品,全面滿足客戶需求,提高客商的產品競爭力,提高終用戶的生活質量。 Shenzhen kedite Electronics Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise. Specializing in the sensitive element; high precision NTC glass MF58 thermistor; a small black MF5A thermistor; various kinds of temperature and humidity sensor research and development, production and sales. The company has a high-quality skilled R & D team, in the temperature application aspects of innovation of new technology, new product development, comprehensive meet customer needs, enhance the competitiveness of products, customers, improve the quality of life of end user.
其產品廣泛應用于:萬年歷,電波鐘,筆記本電池, 電池保護板,家電(空調、冰箱、電視機、洗衣機、微波爐、熱水器、飲水機、電飯煲、電磁爐、面包機、洗碗機、天氣預報機等)、工業設備(抽濕機、鍋爐、自控設備、儀器儀表等)、汽車、醫療器械、計算機、節能燈、電源控制板、節能電源、通訊設備等高、中、低溫濕度領域,并且可以根據客戶的不同要求設計制造特殊規格的產品。