蘇州凌創電子系統有限公司成立于2004年8月, 注冊在蘇州新加坡工業園區, 是美國國家儀器(NI)許可的蘇南地區唯一指定加盟系統集成商。是一家專業提供基于計算機的測試、測量以及自動化解決方案的民營高新技術企業。
公司成立以來, 一直以為客戶提供測試、測量及自動化服務為己任,專注于自動測試設備(ATE),工業現場測量、數據采集和控制,機器視覺、運動控制,射頻測試技術, 服務于汽車、消費電子、通信、電力、工業現場控制等各種領域。
公司致力于NI虛擬儀器技術的開發和應用,在基于NI 強大的軟件平臺以及PXI模塊化儀器的硬件基礎上,為廣大客戶提供的技術服務:從完整的交鑰匙工程到雙方合作,其中包括搭建測試系統的技術咨詢、售前售后技術支持、系統開發需求分析、系統總體設計、系統應用軟件開發、系統的硬件設計, 包括電氣和機械設計,以及終的安裝和調試、人員技術培訓等各項業務,針對不同客戶的需求,提供專業的培訓課程。
Suzhou Linktron Systems CO., LTD was founded in August 2004.It is located in Suzhou Industrial Park. As the exclusive alliance member of National Instruments Co., Ltd in the southern part of Jiangsu province. Linktron is a Hi-tech civil-owned enterprise which specialty provides customized solutions for testing,measuring and automation fields.
Linktron was committed to supplying automatic test equipment , measurement of industrial, data acquisition and control, machine vision, motion control, RF Testing etc. since the founded ,We can provides high quality professional services in automotive, consumer electronics, Communication, electrical, industry controlling area.
Linktron is committed to developments and applications on virtual instrumentation, NI.Provide superior customer service and innovative technology on the basis of powerful software platform and PXI Modular Instruments hardware Structure of NI. It includes providing technical consultation for customers , before and post-sale service, system requirement gathering and all aspects of analysis, system overall project design,system developments and applications, hardware design of the system, electrical and mechanical ,and finally Installation and commissioning, technical training etc. from turnkey project to cooperation. We create training course for customers to meet their specific needs.
Linktron owns a high qualified team of staff which have powerful technical force , vast experience,can afford excellent software development capacity, HW design, mechanical structures design ,whole electrical solutions and services for customers.