深圳馬洪會計師事務所 是經中華人民共和國政府批準成立的首家個人獨資會計師事務所。于二 00四年七月五日經深圳市財政局批準頒發了深財執字第1001號《會計師事務所執業許可證》,于二00四年七月九日經深圳市工商行政管理局批準頒發了企業營業執照,注冊號為440304602141576。
“、客觀、公正” 是我們堅持恪守的原則。
事務所資訊網址topwe.net topwe
Shenzhen Topwe Certified Public Accountants is the first audit firm with individual proprietorship approved and authorized by the government of the People's Republic of China. The number of “CPA Practicing License” approved and sanctioned by Shenzhen Financial Bureau On July 5 th , 2004 is Jingshencaizhizi No.1001. Since July 9 h , 2004 authorized by Shenzhen Industry and Commerce Administrative Bureau, Shenzhen Topwe Certified Public Accountants has registered with the “Enterprises Business License” of NO.4403046008334.
Our Business Scope: auditing enterprises financial report and issuing audit report, enterprise's paid-in capital verification and issuing capital verification report, enterprises merger/split/liquidation audit and issuing relative audit reports; other auditing and accounting consultation within the permission of relative laws and regulations.
Shenzhen Topwe Certified Public Accountants is constituted by Auditing Department, Consulting Department, Business Department, and Administrative Department. We possess a high-qualified team composed by many experienced and professional personnel, concerning many fields. Among them more than half personnel have professional certificates like Chinese Certified Public Accountants, Certified Tax Auditors, which lays a consolidate foundation to maximize our customers' interests form our excellent services provided.
Website: topwe topwe.net topwe