邁奇威有限公司成立于2011年,是一家以電子商務為主要銷售方式的外貿型企業,總部設于香港。主要通過阿里巴巴,敦煌網, ebay, 等多平臺的操作。公司主營健康與美容設備,業務范圍遍布世界各地。公司經過將近2年的發展,已經成功建立多元化的市場渠道, 憑借著良好的銷售業績和行業口碑、完善的銷售網絡、技術體系及良好的售后服務,贏得了國內外客戶的一致好評。 邁奇威有限公司深圳分公司位于南山中心,交通便利。我們擁有一個年輕化專業的營銷團隊,外樹形象,內強管理,業務發展迅猛。為**客戶提供優質的產品和卓越的服務是我們的使命,成為**電子商務的領軍者是我們的愿景,我們的價值觀是堅持誠信,積極進取,德才兼備,追求卓越。 邁奇威堅持以人為本,重視人才,和諧發展,注重企業文化的建立和人才的培養,為每一位在職員工提供具有競爭優勢的薪酬水平、優厚的福利待遇、完善的職業培訓、廣闊的發展平臺等。邁奇威能提供良好的知識、經驗共享平臺,活躍、**、和諧的人際關系,良好的團隊氛圍,讓你與人才并肩共事,成就自己的美好未來! MYCHWAY Co.,Ltd. established in 2011,is a E-commerce company with its headquarters located in Hong Kong which engaged in trading on varied famous platform such as Alibaba, DHgate, eBay etc. Our company specializes in research, produce and sales on health & beauty equipment, Our products with modern techniques, excellent quality are selling well all over the world, for example Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia In the last two years, with diversified marketing channels established successfully, remarkable sales performance and reputation, completed network, promptly after-sales service, our company won win a high admiration and is widely trusted at home and abroad in the past two years, Meanwhile our company with young but professional sales team dedicated professionalism, abundant creativity as well as honesty and aggressiveness are the management assets we are proud of Our company dedicated people-oriented, Talent appreciated, harmonious development as well as corporate culture development and talent cultivation, On the development path, our company progresses together with its partners by both taking an advantaged competitive salary and welfare benefits and by focusing on excellent occupation al training as a reflection of our humanistic concerns, striving to strike harmonious environments, high-efficiency, team work. In the future, MYCHWAY will invite you to maintain our steady growth and all-round development, accelerate the leap to becoming a modern, premier E-commerce enterprise!