邁思信息技術有限公司(MaesInfo)是一家布局**的專業軟件產品及軟件外包服務公司,在美國硅谷,匹茲堡, 歐共體以及中國的多個城市都擁有自己的分公司,研發中心或外包業務中心。公司主要提供IT外包(ITO),商業流程外 包(BPO), 智能化解決方案和IT 培訓,為客戶提供**率,高質量及高可預期性的服務。
在中國,我們大的外包研發中心建立在西部外包業務的福地四川成都,這里孕育著大批的軟件專業人才。在江蘇常州,我們建立了面向華東地區的軟件研發及外包業務中心,其中常州的軟件研發項目入選當地領軍型海歸人才項目,并獲得海歸領軍型人才項目政府專項資助。與此同時,常州的外包業務中心開始承接海外外包項目,特別是在美國的**500強企業的離岸外包業務。在深圳及西安, 我們正在建設地區性軟件研發及外包業務中心, 面向地區市場,并承攬海外業務。此外, 在美國硅谷,歐共體及卡爾加里我們都擁有自己的分公司,這使得我們的**客戶服務具備地理位置上的優勢。
MaesInfo is a leading provider of professional outsourcing service with a Global Development Center in Chengdu,China and as well as PM offices in the USA and Canada.MaesInfo engages in IT Outsourcing(ITO)and R&D while also developing its software products.MaesInfo's goal is to become China's IBM and we strive to be the leader of China's IT Outsourcing industry.
Our Global Software Development Center is located in Chengdu,China and offers a hotbed for nurturing the talent to develop and deploy the world's highest-quality software.With branches in Beijing, Silicon Valley and Calgary,we're well positioned to serve our customers globally around the clock.We offer a disciplined approach to offshore outsourcing for companies all over the world.Our high-quality and low-cost operating model allow us to pass on more than 50% cost savings to our clients while continuing to improve our productivity and predictability.
As a leading provider for Enterprise Information Systems based on Service Oriented Architecture(SOA),we stand out with an impressive track record across various industries all over the USA and Japan.Our top-notch team includes Business Analysts,Architects,Process Consultants,Interface Designers,Software Engineers,DBA and QA/QC Engineers etc.
地 址:成都高新區天府大道中段765號天府軟件園D7三樓