Apple Tree Culture Communication Co. Ltd (ATCC) was established in April 2004. It is a new-concept company and its main members are from different countries and nationalities (China, Bulgaria, Germany, Australia, and USA), most of them having worked at high-level management positions of multi-national companies or famous world-wide educational organizations. They bring together their wide knowledge and experience of education and management. They share one aim – that is to bring the world closer family through culture communication.
ATCC main business line includes Language and Culture tutorials, Cooperates Consulting, International HR Head-hunting and cultural products’ import and export. We have our branch offices in Germany, USA, Australia and UK.
Our team is young, well-educated and well-organized. Their job is to help individuals and cooperates with their knowledge and experience. And we believe we can help the world through our enthusiasm, knowledge and professional services.
深圳市奧奔文化傳播有限公司成立于2004年4月。我們憑借著成熟的**網絡以及自己專業的知識和創新意識去幫助有著文化,語言和教育需求的企業,家庭和個人。自2004年至今已經為深圳上千位企業家及其企業和家人提供了上門一對一的專業VIP語言輔導,少兒私教和企業培訓.公司采用的輔導模式在深圳屬于首家,并且至今依然是成功的之一。本公司8年來專門從事針對人群的上門外語輔導服務,員工長期與人群打交道,得以擴展自己的視野和人脈。我公司為一高級教育顧問公司,從根本上區別于普通的培訓機構! 本公司新引進的“國際互惠生”項目無論對員工和客戶都帶來全新的體驗。出國再也不是件需要花太多錢的事情。出國留學也多了個低成本的渠道。不妨上網站看看?atcc.net司目前經營項目如下: