深圳市阿斯頓鐘表科技有限公司是一家實力雄厚且具有完整規模的專業化鐘表生產廠家。公司集鐘表零配件制造和成表生產為一體,下設產品設計、開發、生產、質檢、宣傳、銷售、售后服務等多個部門。公司廠房占地五千多平米,擁有員工300多人,生產設備200多臺,我司自設合金表胚廠、銅胚廠、表殼加工廠和成表生產廠,具備從新品開發到成表生產整個環節的加工能力。 我公司主要產品有首飾表、運動表、時尚表、禮品表、紀念表等,每月成表產量達50萬只以上,除了針對國內市場的不斷拓展和深入,公司也一直致力于海外市場的發展,其中50%的產品遠銷美國、加拿大、歐洲、南美、中東及尼日利亞等世界各國和地區。 我司主要從事OEM訂單制造、代客設計開發與生產、來樣加工及禮品手表訂做,推出的產品典雅大方,款式新穎時尚。近些年,公司經受了市場競爭的洗禮,以其堅韌不拔的探索精神;鍥而不舍的品質追求;團結務實的企業形象而備受海內外市場認同和客戶好評。 本公司秉承“以誠取信,以質取勝,客戶至上,互利共贏”的服務宗旨,熱誠歡迎各新老客戶聯系洽談、合作。
Shenzhen Aston Watch Technology Co., LTD. is a strength and professional manufacture. It is a design and development, production, manufacture and trade as a whole, wholly owned enterprises. We are specialize in manufacturing various watches, such as jewelry watches, stainless steel watches, alloy watches, sports watches an so on. Factory building covers an area of more than 5000 square meters, has more than 300 employees, more than 200 sets of production equipment. Our monthly production capacity reaches 500,000 pieces. In the past decades, 50% of the products are sold to the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, Middle East etc. Our company is mainly engaged in OEM orders, and committed to development of overseas market in future. For more details of our company and products, please visit our website at astonwatch
Welcome your inquiries and comments on our products and look forward to establishing a long-term business relationship with you.