PARFAIT ENTERPRISE LIMITED(PEL)is a newly established foreign owned company.It's a small company at this initial stage with headquarter in Shenzhen.With the vision as "ONE WORLD ONE MARKET & SHOPPING HAS NO BOUNDARY",the company provides an E-Commerce platform offering customers from all countries in the world. A wide range of superior quality Chinese products such as latest fashion wear,wedding dress and accessories,3C electronic consuming goods,security products,outdoor sport goods and classic and art home decors.Through a dedicated logistic team and sophisticated quality control system,our products have been successfully sold and well accepted by our overseas customers.Currently our principle markets are South Africa,UK and Russia. We are establishing our own warehousing facilities in SA. PEL is still at the developing stage.We are looking for talents who are interested in this line of business to join us and develop the business with us. In PEL,you are freely to expose your talent,freely to express your view and thinking.Here is the best choice to achieve your objective.
Parfait(博菲)是一家新成立的小型外資公司,公司總部設在深圳,是一家專注于網絡貿易的電子商務公司。公司以“one world one market"為理念,為**消費者提供中國產品,公司目前采用“國際主流交易平臺 + 自主經營網站” 的外貿電子商務銷售模式,以時尚服裝、婚紗禮服、飾品、3C電子消費品、戶外用品、室內裝飾品為主要產品。我們通過完善的供應鏈體系、精準的網絡營銷技術,嚴格的質量把關,已將產品成功賣往海外,并取得良好的口啤。公司目前以俄羅斯、南非、英國為主要目標市場。并在南非設立自己的海外倉儲。由于公司目前正處于起步發展階段,對人才需求量大,我們迫切找尋有志之士的你加入我們,與我們一起奮斗!
Parfait-your perfect partner.在這里,你可以盡情的施展你的才華,實現你的理想,成就你的電子商務夢想!