豐晶科技股份有限公司創立于1989年,其總部為于世界電子制造中心,是一家專業從事電感器研發,制造與銷售的大型電子公司.公司投入被動元器件產業已經超過20年時間,客戶主要分布在歐美及港臺'中國地區.年營業額達900萬美元,員工1500 余人,集聚了從技術開發及產品生產到品質管理等方面的一批高質素人才,月產量6億個,擁有先進的生產設備,測試儀器.對于磁珠,電感,積層電感,功率型繞線電感,色碼電感器,環型繞線電感,抗流圈,貼片型繞線電感,各類高頻電感產品方面擁有豊富的技術經驗及専業管理經驗,并已通過ISO9001:2000國際質量體系認證,同時公司能夠配合客戶不同的需求設計生產高品質,低成本,可靠性高的各類磁性產品,而具優點是本公司能在短的時間內為客戶生產提交高品質的貨品,并提供完善的磁性組件解決方案及強大的技術支持.產品主要用于數碼相機、掌上電腦、筆記本電腦、MP3、MP4、移動電話、網絡通信產品、顯卡、液晶背光源、電源模塊、車載音響、電視機、衛星接收機、對講機、遙控玩具、無線收發器、防盜設備、安防產品、運動器材及醫療儀器等。
Our company has dedicated itself to the Passivity components industry for over 20 years. The company’s history speaks for itself:
1989: set up ALL OHM ELECTRONICS LTD. to manufacture Leaded
1993: Set up SEIWA ELECTRONICS LTD. to manufacture Chip Resistors
1995: Reorganized and renamed the company to AOHM ELECTRONICS
LTD. and added Leaded Resistors Network manufacturing.
1997: Cooperated with TAD ELECTRONICS Japanese to invest in Chip
Resistor Network manufacturing.
2000: Set up PANWAVE CORP to specialize in the SMD product market.
2002: Set up GAUSSTEK CORP to invest in Inductors manufacturing and
2002:Set up DaYang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. in China to invest and produce and manage
Chip Inductors to test encapsulation and miniaturization SMD power inductance
2003: Set up GAUSSTEK (Dong Guan) ELECTRONIC LTD in China and
established the JIT Warehouse to satisfy customer’s need on demand.
2007: set up GAUSSTEK (Shen Zhen) ELECTRONIC LTD in China and
established the JIT Warehouse to satisfy customer’s need on demand. and expand marketing in China
2009: set up GAUSSTEK (Shang Hai) ELECTRONIC LTD in China and
established the JIT Warehouse to satisfy customer’s need on demand. and expand marketing in China
Our company focuses on developing foreign businesses in Europe, United States, China and Hong Kong,
and has annual grosses of US$ 8 million.
The China OEM market has shown tremendous growth over the past few years. As a result of which, our
company has invested heavily in key economic regions, such as Guangzhou' Dongguan, in order to be
able to continue producing our main product, magnetic components, and to increase our output of power
Inductors, Hi Power inductors, and wire wound inductors for High Frequency Common Modes. We have
also begun to develop micro-sized components through JIT operation.
?In the short term, our company plans to expand our supply lines through developing strategic alliances with other companies, and to open up a Shanghai branch to satisfy Shanghai customers’ needs.
Manage the idea:
Externally -- Help the customer to solve the problem , make customer's demand satisfy
Internal -- The staff are bosses ' by reaching the demand for serving the customer
Quality policy :
The service is a main shaft
Based on quality
The customer is a rank and honour
It is a goal that continues forever