三芳貿易公司(Coaster and Framick Associates, Inc.)于1971年在臺北成立, 是經經濟部國際貿易局批準成立的雜貨進出口貿易公司. 主要經營各種手工藝品, 半導體,電子零組件, 及電腦周邊設備,并代理國外進口商的經銷輸出業務.
本公司主要經營產品項目有: 加工層次極高的陶瓷,樹脂家用裝飾品, 各種西洋式珠寶盒, 高級裝飾玩偶收藏品, 高級裝飾玻璃制品, 五金,樹脂和毛絨圣誕裝飾品, 蠟燭臺配件, 香薰揮發劑,珠寶展示配件, 電子零組件, 及電腦周邊設備.產品材質涵蓋陶瓷,樹脂,玻璃,木器, 電子,五金,皮料,紙制品等.
經過近四十年的辛勤經營,擴展海外客戶,本公司規模一直在穩定中成長,業績蒸蒸日上,從創業初期的20 余萬美金發展到現在3000余萬美金年出口營業額. 三芳貿易公司在一般家用禮品, 珠寶盒, 電子產品方面的出口均有相當的口碑,于禮品界和電子界占有一席之地. 自從1973年起,每年都受到經濟部國貿局的進出口績優廠商表揚. 目前本公司有外國客戶多達五,六十家, 包括進口商,百貨連鎖零售店, 網路銷售公司等. 其中美國客戶占70%, 歐洲客戶占20%, 其他國家占10%. 目前往來的臺資工廠多達五,六百家, 其中約有2/3外設工廠于大陸, 另外我們和和內陸兩百多家內資工廠建立了優良的合作伙伴關系.
為進一步達到直接銷售及經濟有效的就地聯系的目的, 三芳貿易公司于1993年于香港設立分公司,主要從事出口報關, 倉儲發貨, 安排船運等工作. 1995年本公司在深圳設立了分公司, 便于我們更順利, 更有效率地處理樣品開發設計, 原模雕模制作, 原料來源搜尋, 定單發放, 控制準時交貨, 后出貨前嚴格的品管, 安排船期出貨, 協助廠家在香港出口報關等相關業務, 及一切出口文件的善后處理. 2003年三芳貿易在洛杉基成立了網絡銷售公司, 直接在美國銷售我們的電子產品.
現在三芳貿易公司擁有堅實的財務結構, 一批高素質的專業品質控制人才, 的銷售,管理團隊, 和眾多國內外高品質合作供應廠家. 加上有悠久歷史的高檔國際品牌合作進口商,在國際經濟一體化的開放市場和歷史契機中, 我們充分發揮自身的優勢, 不斷拓寬經營領域, 與時俱進, 團結奮斗, 我們自信有能力為公司創造更加輝煌的未來!
Coaster and Framick Associates,Inc., was established in Taipei in 1971, with the approval of International trade bureau of the Taiwan economy department as an sundry exporter and buying agent. Since then, we have been focusing on the exporting business of sundry, semi-conductor, computer components and peripherals, and consumer electronics, and working as buying agent for oversea importers.
Our main product types include high-glass porcelain and poly resin home decorations, jewelry boxes, exquisite decorative doll collections, high-quality glass decorations, metal, poly, and plush Christmas decorations, candle accessories, fragrance oil diffuser, jewelry displays, computer components and peripherals, and consumer electronics. Material wise we use are porcelain, dolomite, poly resin, glass, wood, electronics, metal, leather and paper etc.
After nearly 40 years of industrious work, and efforts to expand business relations abroad, our company has been growing steadily with annual trade volume increased from around $200,000 since business started to around $30,000,000 in recent years. Coaster and Framick Associates Inc. takes an significant place in Taiwan’s gift industry and electronics export industry, and enjoys high reputation in the exporting business of home decorations/gifts, jewelry boxes and electronics peripherals. Since 1973, our company has been annually awarded by Taiwan government for our outstanding performance in export business. At present we have over sixty oversea customers, including importers, retail shops, Internet sale companies. 70% of them are from USA, 20% are from European and 10% from other countries. We've been cooperating with about 600 Taiwan companies , of which 2/3 establish their own manufacturing factories in mainland. In the meantime we've established good relationships with over 200 mainland factories.
In order to arrange exporting directly from HK and contact factories more economically, the company opened a branch in Hong Kong which mainly deals with custom declaration, goods storing and shipping arrangement. We expanded our branch office to Shenzhen in 2005 to facilitate the work of products design and development, sculpturing, material sourcing, order processing, on-time delivery control, shipment booking, and all shipping documenting. In 2003 we established a branch in LA, to sell our electronical products in US through Internet.
Nowadays Coaster and Framick Associates owns solid finance structure, a group of well-experienced and professional QC inspectors, excellent sales and management team, and a number of associated high-quality domestic and overseas manufacturers. In addition with our solid business relations with the leading giftware importers worldwide, we are very confident that we’ll make full use of our advantages with united and concerted efforts, to continuously extend our business scope in the good historical circumstances of opening market and International economic integration. Our company with the times and looking forward to the much more prosperous future!