China Hi-tech Fund is a professional fund manager, international investment and financing institution, serving as a bridge connecting US wall street and China. The company was founded by US Dr. Lu Shaoping and Mr. Yao Yuwen in March of 2002. Thanks to the company’s professional service, many Chinese start-up companies get to reach the international capital market. The company has built up strategic partnerships with a number of US financial consortiums and institutions, such as US Prudential Securities, Wachovia Securities, Thomas Investment Group, US Intercontinental Investment, and so on. These financial institutions have strong capital base and the ability to operate funds.
China Hi-tech Fund has great strengths. Not only does it have US wall street background and resources, but it also has a core management team that profoundly understands overseas (especially US) capital market and is well experienced in venture capital and capital operation. The management team has been involved in a number of IPO and APO projects that raised much capital for Chinese companies going public in the US. The team has also enhanced the brand image of Chinese companies and built a solid foundation for the companies to grow bigger and stronger in the global environment.
By utilizing venture capital and project financing, we help potential hi-tech projects and fast growing medium and small enterprises to turn technology into industrial market reality and push companies into the international capital market. In addition, we provide consultancy and investment banking service to Chinese companies eligible for NASDAQ and other capital markets. We help hi-tech firms to grow and provide timely consultancy to global M&A transactions and business partners.
我們將針對中國國內具有巨大市場潛力的高科技項目及高成長性的中小型企業進行風險投資和項目融資,使科技成果盡快產業化、市場化,終通過資本運作將企業推向國際資本市場。 除此之外,我們還致力于輔導、包裝具備條件的中國企業到美國NASDAQ及其他國際資本市場上市,協助中國成長型的高科技企業快速發展, 同時還為國際間收購兼并、業務合作提供專業咨詢及運作。