HJH黃俊琿室內設計事務所,是國內具有國際視野,處于國內水平的專業設計公司。由國家建設部頒發專業設計資質,中國建筑師學會評定的中國10大著名室內設計團隊之一,2010年被美國著名雜志《INTERIOR DESIGN》評定為 2010年度中國佳休閑空間設計企業十強,主要為酒店、水療、娛樂、會所等各類商業行業提供專業的室內設計服務。
HJH huangjunhui Interior design firm is one of the professional design firms with international vision and first-class rating in China. We have professional design qualification issued by the PRC Ministry of Construction,evaluated as one of the 10 famous interior design team by China Society of Architecture, and assessed as top ten design firms of the best commercial space design by the well-known American magazine "INTERIOR DESIGN" in 2010.We mainly provide our specialized interior design services to commercial sectors in the category of hotels, spa, entertainment and clubhouse.
我們針對亞太地區的設計任務樹立創造性的和尊重環境的設計理念, 力圖滿足每一位業主的特殊要求,通過現代技術和永恒的品質來創造明亮、充滿活力的空間氛圍,為所有客戶提供超越想像的設計。通過與業主、業主顧問團隊以及建筑師團隊的緊密合作,提供具有文化品味的設計方案。并終創造出生動的空間環境來強化客人的體驗。
We come up with creative and environment-friendly design ideas based on nationwide projects in an effort to satisfy each client's particular demands. With modern technology and permanent high-end quality, we are attempting to create bright and vibrant space, in which our design goes beyond the imaginations of our clients. In collaboration with our clients, their consultant teams and architects teams, we are able to offer design programs with cultural implications, which may ultimately create a vivid space to enhance the taste of our clients.
We pay quite much of our attention to the functionality and cost control for each project. Meanwhile, we endeavor to upgrade our design concepts to reflect the features of a specific project itself and the region where it is located, thus keeping the perfect quality of elegance and brevity, and prevailing international style and methods, offering fresh design concepts, which are leading to new boundaries.
Our service departments include the following: Design, Rendering Drawing, Details Drawing, Post-process Matching. Our full range of comprehensive services involve preliminary discussions with clients so as to fully understand their demands and ideas as well as offer practical solutions; close contact and communication with clients so as to make reasonable changes about design programs; details drawing is to be made after the design concept decided; technical staff can be dispatched to a worksite for construction supervision in order to ensure smooth progress of the project, meanwhile, promptly resolve some issues and make necessary changes on the spot; post-process matching services include furniture, lighting, decorative accessories, fabric decorations and landscape. As we are taking an increasing number of projects with better performance, we are happy to see that our clients are satisfied with our services.