深圳市佳德安科技有限公司是國內專業防盜保全系統系列安防產品研發、生產、銷售為一體的大型制造商。 公司憑借集團在安防業的國際的技術優勢,引進先進的生產設備。利用珠江三角洲的電子集散地的生產優勢。 研發、生產出優質、低價、 世界水平的安防產品。主要產品有家用、商用無線智能防盜報警,無線遙控器、無線收發模塊,無線門磁,無線數碼智能型紅外探測器等,無線遙控開關,遙控 車庫存門,倒車雷達,汽車摩托車電動車報警器,廣泛應用于家庭小區、各類營業場所、汽車摩托車防及計算機控制領域。
Shenzhen KOTEK Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer engaged in the research & development, production, sale and service of alarm systems. Based on our expert team and strict quality control, we can develop and customize products according to client's request and we have been continued to be one of the leading providers of security services in China.