更多信息請參考錦隆城官方網站jinlongcheng.net 以及公司視頻概況v.youku/v_show/id_XNDg3MDAxMDYw.html
Founded in 2005, Chinavasion was the first ever Internet/Ecommerce-only wholesaler to ship directly from China, to business (B2B) customers worldwide. We are the biggest existing wholesale provider of hi-tech gadgets and consumer electronics products from the Chinese market.
JLC Supply Chain Service Management Co., Ltd. provides a famous Internet/Ecommerce B2B company with a wide variety of services in Shenzhen, such as warehousing and quality inspection.
JLC Supply Chain Service Management Co., Ltd. was established in June, 2012. Years of continuous development and growth have attracted increasing numbers of talented individuals to become members of our company.
On the strength of our advanced technical platform and extensive management experience, Jinlongcheng is your ideal choice as an international purchasing agent and solutions provider for quality control assurance, logistics, and high-tech electronics warehousing needs.
The quickening pace of international trade and the optimal allocation of resources, has resulted in a truly globalized economy. The reality? Transnational purchasing is the new business norm.
Concurrently, China has become the manufacturing base of choice for many countries, and Shenzhen especially is becoming an international trade nucleus as Asia’s largest IT, electronics and digital production hub. Though business and trade flows to and from Shenzhen are expanding at exponential rates, multinational purchasing still bears significant risks and inefficiencies due to geographic, cultural, language, and market differences.
In light of such obstacles, our outstanding networking and technological platform, combined with years of industry experience in the accumulation of sourcing and managing supplier resources, makes us your best choice for professional and dependable international purchasing services.
Serious about results, we maintain several teams of highly qualified quality control, warehouse, and logistics staff for whatever your business requires. What’s more, we have a extensive history of strong cooperation with DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, EMS, and other large-scale international express companies. As a result, Jinlongcheng is confident in its ability to offer you comprehensive and cost optimized export inspection, quality control, and logistics solutions.
Talent is the core competitiveness for an enterprise. Our company respects every individual and actively implements a strategy of “best human resource distribution and maximizing individual value realization” to achieve our goal of “best strategically positioned people, fully utilized talent.” A harmonious working environment along with a fair and reasonable HR system allows every member of “Jinlongcheng” to find the right post in this big family and realize his or her values and dreams.
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