深圳市嘉瓏國際物流有限公司2007創始于深圳,擁有覆蓋中國主要港口的公司網點和布局**的戰略合作伙伴網絡.經過數年的發展,起步于初基本貨運代理業務,嘉龍物流已成長為一家致力于為客戶提供涵蓋整個國際供應鏈與物流領域完整解決方案的**性物流服務集成商.公司為FIATA, WCA,及MARCO POLO GROUP等國際行業組織的成員.
GARONE LOGISTICS CHINA LTD is an international freight forwarding and logistics company started since 2007 in Shenzhen and operates an extensive network combined of own offices in major China ports and strategic partners and alliances across the world. With years of development, we have evolved from a Freight Forwarder with limited coverage to a Global Logistics Integrator offering our customers customized and complete international supply chain and logistic solution packages. We are member of FIATA, WCA, Marco Polo Group, with agent network across the major countries of the world.
Following the long term strategy of “Emerging Market + Specialized Logistics + Total sales”, and focusing on creating values for all concerned parties, we devote ourselves to be a great & most respected Global Logistics Integrator
We built up powerful strength in traditional freight forwarding market of India and Central & South America market. Meanwhile, we have set up our specialties in the areas of heavy lift / project logistics and exhibition logistics.
We are an organization strongly believing in ourselves, our staffs and our products. We believe that our staffs have strong space to improve themselves in the organization and provide good conditions to help them to work out the best of their potentials. We cherish the contributions of each staff. We only work with the best staffs of the industry. Garone Logistics is an equal opportunity employer with great respects to the contributions of every staff of the company.
For the successful candidates, we will provide good promotion space, happy working conditions, and competitive compensation package. Compensation package includes, but not limited to, best salary and commision package of the industry, full social welfare benefits, 5 working days per week, 10days+ yearly with-salary holidays, quarterly free travel program, and other various kinds of welfares. The compensation for all the staffs of the company will be the best in the industry.
For all the positions a good knowledge of written and spoken English is a must. All the position requires you to be a computer literate. Garone Logistics welcome you to join us to build a great team, a great organization and a great business.