極泰公司成立于2002 年,是中國手機行業的制造廠商之一,旗下品牌“G-TIDE”在中東和非洲地區,躋身中國手機海外品牌三甲之列。極泰公司總部位于中國深圳,同時在迪拜、香港、尼日利亞、肯尼亞、加納、坦桑尼亞,剛果,塞內加爾、越南和哥倫比亞設立分公司,在世界各地形成強大的分銷和服務網絡。
目前,在非洲和中東一些國家,G-TIDE 品牌已成為當地具有重要影響力的品牌之一,同時,G-TIDE品牌在沙特、巴基斯坦、香港、塞內加爾、加納、馬里、坦桑尼亞、斯里蘭卡、哥倫比亞等23個國家有代理。
極泰公司秉承 “合作、互信、共贏”的合作理念,與**客戶共同發展,“為**用戶提供人性化、優性價比的手機產品和服務,讓大眾溝通無界限,生活更愉悅”是每一個極泰人不忘的使命!
極泰堅持博采眾長,重視人力資源管理工作在企業經營發展戰略中的地位, 極泰視人才為基業長青的根本,把員工作為公司寶貴的資源,關心員工的工作和生活,重視能力提升和素質培養,主張人才流動化發展,給予每個人充分的發揮空間,形成一個典型的專業化、知識化、并充滿活力的團隊!
Z.T.S International Industrial Co., Ltd., founded in 2005, is well known for its production and sales in mobile phone field. What’s more our own brand G-TIDE is also famous in Africa, Mid-Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia.
With the rapid development of Z.T.S International Industrial Co., Ltd , we have set up the global business headquarter in Shenzhen, and also an R&D department as well. The lowest price and the multi-functional quality and strict quality control enable our products very popular in the developing countries, and we have expanded our business with more than 20 countries all over the world. With our concept of “Fashion and Hi-tech” and “Happy and convenient life”, we develop very quickly in this field. We have set many branches in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Lagos (Nigeria), Deres Sallam ( Tanzania), Daka (Segegal) and etc. The enterprise culture which aims to bring you happy and convenient life has attracts more and more young and capable people to join our company. With our mature and advanced research experience in oversea market, we have helped a lot for the purchase of worldwide distributors and the dealers in various forms for the local brand promotion.
With the base of “co-operation, mutual trust and win-win” we hope to make a harmonious business environment and realize the grandness of each other and make our dream come true.