公司簡介 Companyprofile 深圳市科博瑞凈化科技有限公司是專業生產無塵布.無塵紙等防靜電.凈化產品的生產型科技企業。 公司一直致力于為客戶提供優質價廉的產品,專業的技術指導和完善的售后服務,與廣大高科技企業和中間商建立了良好的合作關系。為適應客戶需求,公司自行研發生產出極具性價比的無塵布.無塵紙等防靜電.凈化產品:1009系列無塵布,300系列亞超細無塵布和400系列.500系列超細無塵布;600系列.300系列.M-3系列等無塵紙;凈化手指套系列,防靜電凈化手套和服裝系列等眾多產品,高品質的產品和合理的價格受到廣大客戶的肯定和贊賞。 公司以客戶需求為中心,竭誠為客戶提供更多.更好和性價比更高的無塵凈化產品??撇┤鸸救w同仁期待成為你的忠實的合作伙伴。攜手共創美好的未來。 keborui Cleaner Tech. Co., Ltd. is a professional high-tech company engaged in producing antistatic and cleaning products such as dust-free cloth and dust-free paper.
The company devotes itself in producing the best products with superior quality at competitive price, providing professionally technical guidance and perfect after-sales services. Up to now, we have established good business relationships with many high-tech companies or middlemen. To satisfy the customers’ demands, we develop very high cost performance antistatic and cleaning products: 1009 series dust-free cloth, 300 series sub-ultrafine dust-free cloth, 400/500 series ultrafine dust-free cloth, 600/300/M-3 series dust-free paper, cleaning finger cots, antistatic finger cots or dress. All of these products are welcome by our customers due to the excellent quality and attractive price.
keborui is always concentrating on the customers’ demands, sparing no effort to provide more dust-free and cleaning products with high cost-effective. Looking forward to cooperate with you and win the wonderful future with you!
聯系人:鐘劍軍 手機:13715131098