深圳市酷泰科技有限公司建立于2000年,集生產和銷售如一體的實業公司。 主要經營GSM和CDMA手機為主的通信產品,以及手機的周邊配件包括外殼, 按鍵, 液晶,排線,藍牙,U盤。擁有成熟穩定的國內外市場,有自己獨特的銷售模式和渠道。 擁有進出口權,提供進出口雙向貿易的良好優勢。擁有的質量控制體系,能夠為客人提供穩定的優質產品。另外擁有良好的電子產品合作廠商。能及時應對國際電子市場的變化,提供多元化的產品貿易需求。
本公司一貫堅持以客為本的經營方針,擁有一批有專業技能的高素質人材,和一支充滿激情的管理團隊。本公司本著“客戶**,誠信至上”的原則,著眼未來,勇于創新! 公司堅持“以人為本”的管理理念,努力打造一個“人盡其才,才盡其用”,“有所成,有所得”的事業平臺。真誠的希望有更多的人才加入到我們的團隊,共同發展與成長,實現人生價值!
Shenzhen Kutai Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2000. We are professional in producing GSM and CDMA mobile phones, including 450MHZ, 800MHZ and 1900MHZ models. Now, our 150 engineers have spent more than 5 years on developing technology and a large collection of fashionable designs. Any popular models chosen from our store can be shipped in 3 days.
We always produce mobile phone with new idea and new design to match customer's need. Our hot selling products contain TV mobile, watch mobile, and dual-SIM dual-standby mobile phone. We have ability to turn your specific designs to real products and offer you OEM samples in 10 days.
Our products also include basic mobile accessories, such as mobile LCD, flex cable, earphone, mobile housing, mobile charger, mobile battery, mobile keypad, mobile camera, data cable and special Bluetooth-in headset. We offer different models with large quantity of goods in store.