昆仲科技(以下稱 CCJK )成立于 2000 年,是一家經過 ISO 認證的語言與 IT 服務提供商。公司創立之初,主要致力于成為其他翻譯公司的可靠合作伙伴,提供外包服務。CCJK 長期堅持履行高質量服務的承諾,積累了大量客戶資源。良好的商業道德加上以質量為中心的運營模式,為公司贏得非常高的聲譽,吸引了各個領域的客戶。目前,CCJK 已經與** 800 多家客戶建立穩定的業務關系。
考慮到信息技術已經影響到日常生活的方方面面,CCJK 開始為客戶提供優質、實惠的 IT 服務,在 IT 部門加大人力、物力、財力投入,滿足客戶需求。CCJK 的 IT 部門日益發展壯大,對于一貫支持我們的客戶,CCJK 在此表示由衷的感謝!
CCJK 邁出的每一步都經過深思熟慮,我們在實踐中反復驗證每一個決定。IT 隊伍的壯大為客戶帶來優質、實惠的 IT 服務,使我們能夠為客戶提供一站式的解決方案,滿足客戶的各種需求。通過同時為客戶提供語言服務和 IT 服務,我們可以更好地了解客戶及其項目,進一步提高服務水平,在激烈的市場競爭中脫穎而出。
目前,CCJK 可提供網站開發、軟件應用開發、在線學習 (e-learning) 開發、企業解決方案等多種 IT 服務。企業解決方案面向的客戶,其企業規??纱罂尚?,特別適用于服務、娛樂等行業的客戶。CCJK 配備經驗豐富的專業人士,無論使用何種技術的項目都不在話下。此外,我們的語言服務還增加了寫作、錄音文件翻譯、字幕和旁白翻譯等,使我們的產品目錄更加完善、綜合化。
CCJK 吸納了 2000 多名精英人士,分布在**各個地區,目前人數仍在增長。我們希望廣納賢才,解決客戶的實際問題,為客戶分憂。我們具備必備的知識和技能,不斷挖掘客戶需求,為不同類型的客戶提供個性化的解決方案,實現超越客戶預期的服務。
CCJK 積累了充足的精英資源,所有項目均由具備多年行業經驗、掌握精湛專業技能的精英人士承接。我們有著完善的內外部評分體系,確保承接項目的所有資源都處于行業水平。
創業十幾年來,CCJK 一直使用專有的評分機制和質量保障體系,嚴格按照既定工作流程,保證語言服務與 IT 服務一貫的高質量交付。
CCJK 了解客戶的價格訴求,竭力為客戶節約成本。合理的工作流程保證我們在提供高質量服務的同時將客戶成本降至低。不僅如此,我們還能根據客戶不同的需求,提供合理的解決方案,在客戶使用我們的產品和服務的過程中,幫助客戶進一步節約成本。
CCJK 深刻理解按時交付對客戶業務運營的影響,因此為專職和外包人員制定了統一的工作流程并嚴格執行,大大提高公司的服務產能,同時保證較高的服務質量。
CCJK 的經營理念主張全心全意與客戶溝通,竭誠為客戶提供全天候服務。CCJK 為每個項目安排專門的項目經理,協調所有相關人員,嚴格按照客戶要求,保證按時按量的高質量交付。
Who We Are?
As an ISO certified language and IT services provider, CCJK has been leading in the industry for more than 13 years, both individually and in partnership with agencies around the world. Founded in 2000, CCJK started the business by offering outsourcing services to established translation agencies seeking accountable partners. With promises of consistently high quality and good prices, it soon gained the trust and mounting orders from our clients. Excellent business ethics and quality-centric operation earned it reputation and direct clients from all business sectors. At the moment, CCJK is in competitively healthy business ties with more than 800 loyal clients worldwide.
Later on, CCJK decided to initiate IT services because as well known, Information Technology has been infused into all aspects of everyday life, and clients could benefit from our topping but affordable IT services. By investing a major percentage of the earnings along with our persistent attention in our IT division, and recruiting a large number of professional engineers all around the world, we can confidently and honored to declare that we are able to provide services that meet all requirements of our clients. IT division in CCJK is now continuously and sustainably growing and prospering, and we are grateful to those clients who have generally and unfalteringly offered their lasting supports and been working with us thick and thin.
The developing path CCJK is following is carefully deliberated and constantly scrutinized and re-scrutinized. The decision of IT expansion is absolutely no exception. To our clients, excellent but affordable IT services alone could be helpful and beneficial, not to mention the expansion is enabling us to provide one-stop solutions to address all of their needs and wants. And to CCJK, the complementarily interconnected nature of language and IT services going hand in hand, empowers us with the capability to improve our services by knowing better our clients and their projects, making us different and stand out from the competitors among the fierce competition in the market, so we can ensure that CCJK is in good shape as a whole and keep it always being on the right track.
The IT services CCJK is capable of providing for now include website development, software applications development for all kinds of platforms and operating systems, e-learning development, solutions for businesses, may they be big or small, especially those in hospitality and entertainment industries and many more. With consolidated team-building progress, all projects could be done with ease by our seasoned professionals, no matter what kind of technologies are to be used. Besides, we also added writing, transcription, subtitling and voiceover into our language services catalog, making it more complete and comprehensive. These efforts bestow us with admirable uniqueness that we are comfortable with and help greatly envision what the landscape of the industry could be like in very foreseeable future.
CCJK is home to more than 2,000 elite resources spread in almost all regions of the world, and the number is still growing. We are looking forward to seeing more and more talents joining us in the near future to deliver the right service to help our clients tackle every practical concern and problem. We know all what we need to know and want to know clients more about what they might need, so we can work out objective-oriented solutions for different group of clients and deliver the projects that meet their requirements and exceed their expectations. With CCJK, our clients can always find the solutions and make the most of our quality services with affordable prices.
Professional Elites:
The company only assigns projects to the most appropriate resources with according industry expertise, so that service quality can be secured at an optimum level. The internal and external rating systems for job evaluation help us ensure that every resource we dispatch for a project is among the top best in the world.
Quality Assurance:
Over the starting decade, CCJK forged a special rating mechanism along with a streamlined quality assurance system, which incorporates strict workflows to guarantee consistent high quality for both language and IT services it delivers.
Competitive Prices:
We understand price matters, especially for businesses with tight budgets. Normally, we are following our well-established workflows to save cost for our clients and maintain a high quality at the same time. But we can also help our clients further to save more money according to different requirements from the clients upon demands.
Punctual Delivery:
Understanding what punctual delivery could mean to the client’s operation of business, CCJK has brought in a streamlined work process for both in-house and contract resources and engineers, which greatly boosts the company’s productivity in all service fields while maintaining high service quality.
Prompt Commmunication:
Whole-hearted communication has a central place in CCJK’s operating philosophy, and we strive to provide a customer service that is available 24/7. For each project, CCJK assigns a dedicated project manager, whose mission is to coordinate all parties concerned and to ensure the project proceeds strictly to the schedule.