公司成立以來,一直朝著“專業化 、信息化 、規模化”的方向發展。以規模化的經營滿足來自各個行業和世界各地客戶的多種需要。本公司秉承著“誠信、**、認真”的精神,以大熱情及非常完善的服務來滿足客戶的需求;不斷地追求為廣大客戶提供深層次的增值服務。依靠遍布**的代理網絡和**多家集裝箱航運公司建立了牢固的業務聯系,為客戶提供安全、便利、經濟、周到的貨運服務,使公司成為國內外客戶值得信賴的合作伙伴。憑著穩定、可靠、安全的運營網絡、科學的資源整合、先進的管理技術,可為各類企業提供的物流服務,我們將一如既往地堅持“以客為本、服務” 的經營理念,為客戶提供的服務。
Centraltrans International Logistics Co.,Ltd is an old international freight forwarder licensed by the P. R. China’s Ministry of Commerce,and authorized for freight forwarding of imports and exports, FCL, LCL, customs brokerage, inspection, insurance arrangement, short distance transport, consultation service and international express.
Through many years’ hard working, we have a group of talented youths experienced and has established long-term and stable relationships with many steamship liners, and maintains favorable reputation with Customs and Commodity Inspection Bureau. We can provide the best, the safest and the most convenient project and the most efficient " one stop" service to clients in terms of freight forwarding of imports and exports, customs brokerage, inspection, FCL and LCL
Centraltrans’ dedicated elite work team consists of qualified, knowledgeable experienced and well respected staff in forwarding industry. They are capable for facing and responding any possible situations at any time. They will help you to remove your any difficulty in trade transportation and business operation, to cut your trade cost, and to save you time and space in expanding the global market. With your support and cooperation, our company will be more outstanding, so we are sincerely looking forward to working with you and presenting our high-quality and efficient service.