we connect businesses to specialists in training, coaching and consulting. we simplify finding and hiring experts for our members by making it easy to search and contact them, for free.this model ensures that projects done with the specialists found at sino associates are among the most time efficientwe want you to be your best. our mission is to ensure that the top specialists are ready to help with some of the most interesting projects in china and asia. we will provide oversight to ensure only qualified specialists with strong recommendations are promoted by sino associates and that we have made it easier for them to do their job right. and cost-effective in china and asia.
我們企業是基于科技手段的輕公司,對全職人員數量進行小化控制。我們熱愛遠程工作,項目型的工作模式。工作地點、時間非常彈性化、個人化。如果您應聘成為我們的全職或兼職人員,您可能會經常需要通過互聯網交流(email, skype, forum, 我們網站的站內信模式)或電話模式與同事溝通。您可以在任何地區,任何城市進行工作,只要能高質量完成我們的工作任務,我們就非常歡迎您。