Who We Are...
Established in 1995, Macjava Technology Co.,Ltd. is a full service, broadline, stocking electronic component distributor. We specialize in passive and active board level components and can provide a range of services to OEM’s and CEM’s worldwide. Headquarted in a 32,000 sq. ft. facility in Industry, CA, our knowledgeable and friendly staff of over 50 brings together decades of collective experience and professional support
What We Think...
Provide dependable, professional service for our customers. Always maintain a massive on-the-shelf inventory. Build solid, reliable business relationships.
Our Future...
We look forward to building on the relationships we have established and continue to exceed our customers expectations. We are also looking to new horizons and anticipating the new opportunities and challenges which lie ahead.
Our Promise...
To offer our customers solutions to difficult supply situations, and supply electronic components and services in an honest, ethical, and economical manner.