霈思時尚是的專業中外籍模特兒經紀公司,我們的專業經紀人在服務己超過17年。公司在深圳、廣州設有分公司,服務范疇遍及整個大中華及東南亞區,誠懇和專業的服務一直是我們的工作態度。公司合作對象包括國際各類知名品牌、電視、網絡、報紙、雜志等媒體, 以及各類大型時尚流行活動。企業伙伴遍布倫敦、巴黎、紐約、米蘭、東京等世界主要時尚中心。
我們擁有豐富的中外模特兒、混血及東方模特兒資源,并提供項目外調國際名模.范圍包括電視、平面廣告、內衣、服裝目錄、走秀等。除專業模特兒之外,本集團同時擁有藝人及歌手的資源,提供符合中國市場需求之形象代言人及代為接洽各項工作。本公司于2006年,紐約頂級珠寶品牌Harry Winston在北京的開幕活動,由霈思集團總監Mandy,特別邀請拍攝世界名牌Dior香水之國際超模出席本活動,同時當天貴賓還有好萊塢電影超人之男主角參與。
深圳霈思地址: 福田紅荔西路**世界廣場B座6B
廣州霈思地址: 天河體育西路天文苑
The Pace Management is a leading Chinese and foreign model agency and our professional agents have been established in Taiwan for more than 17 years. We have branches in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and our service domain includes the whole of greater China and Southeast Asia. Our working attitude has always been sincere and professional service. We work and collaborate with all the media and renowned international brands: Television, Networks, Newspapers and Magazines, as well as a wide range of fashion shows and other trend events. We have enterprise partners in all the major fashion capitals of the world including London, Paris, New York, Milan and Tokyo.
We have an abundance of Chinese, foreign, mixed blood and Eastern model resources, and offer projects involving the renowned international models director booking for television, graphics advertising, underwear, clothing catalogues, fashion shows and promotional events etc. In addition to the professional models, our group also has resources in the performing arts: Taiwanese artists and singers offer image spokespeople suitable for the Chinese market, as well as the handling of all the associated tasks. Mandy, the director of the Pace, invited international supermodel , who was world famous for her work for Dior perfumes, to the Harry Winston jewelry opening event in Beijing in 2006. the Hollywood Superman star, also attended the event.
Our many years of abundant and professional experience have resulted in the Pace Group gaining the trust and praise of the advertising, clothing and fashion industries. We believe that our services will certainly offer more diversified development for the prosperous fashion industry in the greater China region.