公司簡介: 深圳市潤步貿易有限公司成立于2011年,前身是深圳市潤步科技有限公司!公司創始人操作EBAY 這個平臺是從2009年開始,曾經是09年的EBAY 前100強,前身都是屬于小規模操作,一直處于12人左右的團隊,月銷售額大概在20W 美金左右!由于公司創始人從2011年10月開始到2012年4月份開始投入淘寶天貓項目,重心偏向國內,EBAY 有所下滑,公司在天貓經營半年后結束項目,全部重心繼續投入到EBAY ,從2012年9月開始擴張到400平方的辦公室,開始引入定制ERP 系統,經營到2013年5月,由供應商投入**批資金300W ,團隊規模擴張到現在已經擁有45人左右, 公司分設,銷售部,市場部,產品部,開發部,客服部,物流部,采購部,和倉儲部! 核心管理層已經有15人左右,團隊仍在繼續培養新人!由8月份開始, 公司的規模和銷售數據成直線上升的階段!目前公司擁有辦公面積1300平方,有比較完整的 倉儲流程和ERP 系統!在2013年初成功籌建英國倉庫(600多平方),和澳洲倉庫(260平方)已有海倉物流系統,和我們自身ERP 實現對接,一鍵導入訂單!
由產品開發部發起開發任務,產品主管做初步審核,經由市場部進行市場調研,價格精算,進行第二次審核,終由主管審核通過,產品部接到任務,同時準備產品圖片和文案資料,并制作精準模板,由銷售部同事進行任務安排到各個賬戶,各個站點,產品上架完成,由市場部對應產品線的營銷員負責LISTING 的維護,促銷,關聯促銷,推廣,下架,優化再上架,并統一安排拍賣!
Shenzhen Runbu Trading Co., Ltd was established in 2011 , which is formerly Shenzhen Runbu Technology Co., Ltd. . Founded in 2009, Runbu was once one of 2009’s EBAY Top 100 under the leadership of its founder. With a monthly 200,000 dollars sale amount, it had been formerly a team of about 12 people, and in the small-scale operations. From October 2011 to April 2012, the leader of the company commenced Taobao project, and his focus changed to domestic trade. Its EBAY business declined. After the six months, the leader turned back to eBay and put all the focus on it. In September 2012 the office expanded to 400 ㎡, and it also introduced customized ERP system. In May 2013, the company got its the first investment funds of 3 million RMB from the supplier. The team now has expanded to 45 people, and is divided into 8 departments. They are Sales , Marketing , Products, Development, Customer Service, Logistics, Purchasing, and warehousing department ! With Core Management of 15 people, the team continues to train new people. Starting from August, the scale and sales data of the company is into a straight up stage. With 1,300 ㎡office space, the company now has a more complete warehousing processes and ERP systems. In the early 2013 the British warehouse ( more than 600 ㎡ ) and Australia warehouse ( 260 ㎡) has successfully built and it has established overseas warehouse logistics systems, and docked with its own ERP!
The Procedure of our company:
Tasks initiated by the Development Department, the product director do a preliminary audit. Marketing Department gives a actuarial price, and do a second audit. And after the director ultimately approved, the Product Department receive a mandate, and they prepare product images and copy data, and make templates. Then the Sales Department arranges various tasks account for each site and list the products. And members from Marketing Department are responsible for listing maintenance, promotion, association promoting, marketing, auction, off listing and relisting of their product line. Purchasing Department conducts the corresponding procurement according to sales statistics and tracks to storage. The Marketing Department also analyzes whether the product is suitable for distribution in overseas warehouse. Once confirmed, they need to follow up the process. Last but not least, Customer Service Department is responsible for aftermarket products, and accounts maintenance. The Assistant of Marketing Manager is responsible for stability of the accounts and also the tasks of each department.
The company is in rapid development period, up vast, and you work together to achieve win-win!