關于我們(睿量) iremax.hk
REMAX 是香港睿豐實業集團旗下品牌,其年輕、激情、時尚、快樂的品牌定位使越來越受年輕人的青睞,當手機已經不單單是一個通訊工具,它已經成為集音樂、視頻、游戲、攝像、上網等娛樂功能一體的掌上電腦,其強大的功能更需要充足的能量及配件支撐。REMAX本著玩味生活品味時尚的理念,為時尚愛玩的您量身定制了內存卡、讀卡器、藍牙耳機、手機電池、充電器、酷殼、保護套、數據線、手寫筆等一系列配件,時時為您的愛機保駕護航。
Remax is one od the brands belong to Hong Kong Refine Industrial (Asia) Limited,The young,passionate,stylish,happy brand positioning make it more and more popular among youngpeople,Today cell phone is no longer merely a communication tool,it has become a music,video,internet and other entertainment features in one of Palm Computer.The more
powerful function need adequate support of power and tools.REMAX spirit of ponderingthe idea of fashion lifestyle,it customizes memory card,card reader,bluetooth headset,cell phone batteries,chargers,with a shell,protective sleeve,date cable,stylus and a serires of accessories from time to time t escort your love mobile fashion and playful.