深圳市順博(SUNBOW)絕緣材料制造有限公司始成立于2003年,主要從事玻璃纖維套管,鐵氟龍(Teflon)管,硅膠管(特別是鉑金硫化硅膠管(Platinum Cured silicone tube)),PVC套管,PE熱縮套管等絕緣材料的研發,生產和銷售, 所有系列產品均己通過UL、CSA安規認證(E333178 , E333177 E360625)。同時所有產品均符合歐盟的RoHS要求。由于歐盟的新要求,公司再次申請并通過了德國的PFOA 和PFOS認證和**151種高危物質的REACH報告。產品廣泛用于H&N級電機,大小家用電器,電熱設備,特種燈具,照明燈飾,電子儀器,電子線束,通信設備,高低壓配電成套設備及石油化工,煤碳,電力系統等領域。
Established in 2003, Shenzhen Sunbow Insulation Materials Mfg. Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the research & development, manufacturing, and sales of such insulation materials as fiberglass sleevings, Teflon tubes, silicon tubes (especially the platinum cured silicon tubes), PVC tubing, PE heat-shrinkable tubes and so on and all these products have obtained the UL and CSA certifications. And at the same time, all the products are in conformance with the EU’s RoHS requirements; furthermore, based on EU’s new requirements, we re-apply and obtained Germany’s PFOA and PFOS certifications and EU’s REACH report showing that our products do not contain 144 high-risk substances. Our products are widely used in H&N motors, large and small household electrical appliances, electroheating devices, special lamps and lanterns, lightings, electronic equipment, electronic wirings, communication equipment, high- and low-voltage power distribution equipment and such areas as petroleum and chemical industry, coal industry, power systems, etc.
Our factory was moved to Gongming, Guangming New District, Shenzhen due to its expansion purposes in June 2008 which occupies a floor space of nearly 10,000 square meters. In Sep.2009, we successfully passed ISO9001:2008 international quality management system certification, now ISO14001 system is also pushing.